#Dua for Baby | Islamic Prayers for Protection and Growth

Dua for Baby Islamic Prayers for Protection and Growth
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Dua for Baby | Islamic Prayers for Protection and Growth

As parents, we want nothing but the best for our children, including their physical and spiritual well-being. One way to ensure the protection and growth of our babies is through making dua, or prayer. Dua is a powerful tool that can bring about positive change in our lives, and the lives of our children. In this article, we will explore some of the specific Duas that can be recited for the protection and growth of babies.

Dua For Protection Of Baby:

One of the most well-known Duas for the protection of babies is the following:

“Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minal-harami wal-mahrami”

This dua translates to: “Oh Allah, I seek refuge in you from the forbidden and that which is permissible but could lead to haram.”

This dua is recommended to be recited on a daily basis, specifically after the Fajr (morning) and Asr (afternoon) prayers.

Another dua for the protection of babies is:

“Rabbi habli minas sayyidina Muhammadin wa ali Muhammad”

This dua translates to: “My Lord, grant me from the offspring of Sayyidina Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.”

This dua is recommended to be recited on a daily basis, specifically after the Maghrib (evening) prayer.

It is also recommended to recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas 3 times after each obligatory prayer. This will increase the chances of protection for the baby.

Dua for Baby Islamic Prayers for Protection and Growth
Dua for Baby Islamic Prayers for Protection and Growth

In addition to the daily recitation of the recommended Duas, there are certain times and days that are considered particularly auspicious for making dua for the protection and growth of babies.

The 15th night of the Islamic month of Sha’ban is considered a particularly blessed night for making dua for children, including dua for the protection and growth of babies. Many parents make special efforts to spend this night in prayer and supplication, asking Allah for the protection and growth of their babies.

Another special time for making dua for the protection and growth of babies is during the last third of the night, known as “Tahajjud time.” This is the time between the Isha prayer and the Fajr prayer and is considered a particularly blessed time for making dua as it is believed that Allah is most likely to respond to prayers made during this time.

It is important to note that while dua is powerful, it is also important to provide for the physical needs of babies by giving them proper nutrition, healthcare, and education. It is also important to remember that children are a blessing from Allah and whatever the outcome, it is ultimately His decision.


In conclusion, making dua for the protection and growth of babies is an important way to ensure the well-being of our children. Parents should make a habit of reciting the recommended Duas on a daily basis, and make dua at special times and days. It is also important to provide for the physical needs of babies and to remember that children are a blessing from Allah and whatever the outcome, it is ultimately His decision.

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