#Dua For Having Good Luck In Life – Quran Reflection

Dua For Having Good Luck In Life
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Dua For Having Good Luck In Life

In Islam, good luck is believed to come from Allah and can be obtained through faith, obedience, and good deeds. Good luck is an important aspect of life, and many people seek ways to attract it into their lives. In Islam, there are several Duas or prayers that can be recited to help attract good luck and bring blessings into one’s life.

The following is a commonly recited dua for good luck:

“Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi ilmika wa astaqdiruka biqudratika, wa as’aluka min fadlika al-azim. Fa-innaka taqdiru wa la aqdiru, wa ta’lamu wa la a’lamu, wa anta allam al-ghuyub.”


“O Allah, I ask You with Your knowledge, I seek Your power and I request Your great favor. Indeed, You have power over all things, You have knowledge of all things, and You know what is hidden.”

This dua can be recited before starting any new task or endeavor, or at any time when one desires to attract good luck into their life. It is also recommended to make Duas regularly, seek forgiveness for any wrongdoings, and perform good deeds to attract blessings and good luck into one’s life.

In addition to this dua for good luck, it is also important to focus on one’s thoughts and actions and strive to live a life that is pleasing to Allah. This includes following the Five Pillars of Islam, such as prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, and the declaration of faith. By living a life that is in line with the teachings of Islam, individuals can attract blessings and good luck into their lives.

Dua For Having Good Luck In Life
Dua For Having Good Luck In Life

Another Quranic verse that can bring blessings and good luck into one’s life is Surah Al-Kahf (18: 10-26), which tells the story of Prophet Dhul-Qarnayn and his travels to the east and west. Reciting this surah regularly is believed to bring blessings into one’s life and provide protection from evil and negativity.

In addition to the dua and Quranic verses, there are other steps that individuals can take to attract good and blessings into their lives. Some of these steps include:

Being grateful:

Expressing gratitude for the blessings and good things in one’s life can help to attract more positive energy and blessings. By focusing on the things that one is thankful for, individuals can cultivate a positive outlook and attract them into their lives.

Helping others:

Performing acts of kindness and helping others can also attract blessings into one’s life. When individuals engage in acts of kindness, they create positive energy and attract blessings into their lives.

Maintaining positive relationships:

Surrounding oneself with positive and supportive people can also help to attract blessings into one’s life. By maintaining strong relationships with loved ones and seeking their support, individuals can cultivate a positive environment in their lives.

Fostering a positive attitude:

Maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on solutions instead of problems can help to attract good and blessings into one’s life. By focusing on the positive and seeking out opportunities, individuals can create a more positive and optimistic outlook on their lives.

Seeking Allah’s guidance:

Relying on Allah and seeking His guidance and help can help to attract good luck and blessings into one’s life. By seeking Allah’s guidance, individuals can find peace and comfort in their lives and attract good into their lives.


In conclusion, the dua for good luck in Islam is a powerful tool to help attract blessings and good luck into one’s life. By relying on Allah, seeking His guidance and help, performing good deeds, and striving to live a life that is pleasing to Him, individuals can attract good luck and blessings into their lives. By focusing on positive thoughts and actions and making Duas regularly, individuals can attract good luck and find success in all aspects of their lives.

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